Private Shuttle to South Pacific Area
The South Pacific region, its approximately 8 hours drive from San José, and it is known for its biological diversity, natural beauty, and intensely complex ecosystems.
The region is climatically distinct. The area receives 4-8 meters of rain annually, thunderstorms move in Oct-Dec.
The “Osa Peninsula” is one of the largest expanses of pristine wilderness in Central America. The region features four national parks: Corcovado National Park, Chirripó National Park, Caño Island Biological Reserve, Ballena National Marine Park, and La Amistad International Park. Corcovado alone, located on the Osa Peninsula, is home to some 500 species of trees – equivalent to a quarter of all the tree species in Costa Rica. It has been referred to as “one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world”. La Amistad International Park, the latter declared by UNESCO as “Patrimony of Humanity”,
The Sierpe Mangroves have the biggest extension of mangrove in Costa Rica (36.950 acres), which represents almost half of the mangrove resource of the country.
The protection of the region’s natural habitat has been augmented by the efforts of private citizens. They have founded reserves designed to promote sustainable use of the tropical rainforests through eco-tourism, sustainable forestry, and reforestation.
The region is also home to the largest concentration of indigenous people in the country – most of whom retain very strong cultural traditions such as dress and ceremonies. These groups are the Guaymis, the Cabe, and Borucas. One of the most well known indigenous festivals is held every New Year’s Eve by the Borucas called Fiesta de Los Diablitos.
Major attractions: Corcovado National Park, Caño Island Wildlife Refuge, Peninsula de Osa Conservation Area, Chirripo Mount (3820 meters, highest mountain in Costa Rica), International Park La Amistad, Ballena Marine National Park.
Activities are available: Hiking, bird-watching, boat tours, scuba Diving, snorkeling, sport fishing, kayaking, surfing.